Sharing a Purpose.
Life is beautiful and filled with magic – or at least, this is how we are meant to feel it – but somewhere along the way, many got lost. With magic comes mystery, misunderstanding, and misinformation. A wider approach to mental health is unfolding all around us. This is a beautiful time to join the conversation, and we’re here to add credible information along with inspiration to better ourselves and, in turn, others.
Mind Yr Life was created by Dr. Luisa Sanz, a Psychiatrist with over 25 years of experience working mainly with young people. This platform was built to offer a greater understanding of the most common mental health challenges and share personal experiences in dealing with them. By doing so, we strive to reduce stigma and support people on their journey to find health, purpose, and happiness.
This platform is a living, decentralized hub for the giving and receiving of support while we navigate the multi-faceted world of mental health together. We’re here to motivate and inspire transformation whilst learning through the sharing of information and love with everyone and anyone who’d like to join the conversation.
To Mind something is to regard it as important, to care for it and look after it. We approach mental health holistically, placing equal importance on the mind, body, and soul. Through our wider approach, we recognize that the mind, body, and soul are profoundly linked together forming a unit. When we neglect one of these three parts, the whole unit loses balance and doesn’t perform optimally. Imbalances can lead to emotional distress and mental health concerns, physical health problems or a sense of emptiness and overall unhappiness.
The three pillars of health and happiness work together beautifully and delicately. When approaching mental health, whether it be our own or someone else’s, it’s important to understand each pillar and regard it with respect and care. The first step in Minding Yr Life is acknowledging and accepting where you are at right now – mind, body, and soul. And whilst it’s essential not to forget that these are both 3 parts and yet 1 unit, the Mind is particularly relevant in Mind Yr Life as we focus on Mental Health and aim to improve our knowledge and understanding in order to eradicate stigma.
“When people feel they’re not being judged or criticized but instead they’re being loved, respected and simply accepted for who they are – that’s when their mental health and wellbeing can improve; and only then, they can also get on their way to happiness. We need to change our attitude to a more caring, accepting and compassionate one, of others as well as ourselves. This has been my number one lesson throughout my personal and professional life; everyday this same lesson, making more and more sense,” says Dr. Luisa Sanz.
This is Your space. This is where You share, learn and join us in our journey to a better version of us, to a transformation.
It’s important for these conversations to be all-inclusive, spanning between all people of all different lived experiences. The people who are struggling are not often the ones who are building the stigmas. “We need to start from the roots,” says Dr. Sanz.
“The first hurdle anyone with mental health problems needs to overcome is themselves, their own lack of self-belief and negative assumptions. This is, indeed, the hardest hurdle to conquer.” We’re here to motivate and inspire transformation whilst learning through the sharing of information and love with everyone and anyone who’d like to join the conversation.
Mind Yr Life is for those who are looking to learn, listen, share, and grow. The platform is for both people experiencing mental health difficulties and those looking to gain perspective about their peers' experiences and learn about the different ways to support them.
The platform is for You if you are experiencing mental health problems, looking to help or support a loved one with mental health struggles, seeking to grow into an even better version of yourself, seeking purpose, searching for happiness, or simply navigating this beautifully puzzling life along with the rest of us.
The "Yr" represents "Your" but it also represents "Your Responsibility." After all, your purpose and your happiness is ultimately your responsibility. This platform exists to give you the tools and perspectives to take that responsibility and build the beautiful, fulfilling life that you deserve.
Mind Yr Life was created to facilitate conversations and the sharing of information in efforts to improve our lives and those of others. We use information, knowledge, experience, trust and kindness to dismantle misconception, feelings of powerlessness, stigma, and isolation.
Through Life, we’ve all had experiences with mental health problems either directly ourselves or indirectly through a family member or a friend. We’re all vulnerable to suffering from a mental disorder at some point through our lives either because we’re genetically predisposed or in response to a life change or crisis. We all need to drop guards and barriers so that through raw, open and honest discussions about mental health, we can normalize all experiences taking a proactive approach to increasing the health and happiness of our community.
When we understand, accept, and celebrate ourselves, we offer others the opportunity to do the same. This ongoing conversation is aimed at raising awareness and learning together that each of our own mental health troubles, whilst being unique, have many common aspects to those of many others. And by sharing these, we support each other and become empowered to be the best version of ourselves.
Our arms and hearts are open to accept and celebrate you exactly as you are, today and every day. Let’s work together to inspire personal growth and transformation to become the best that we can as we aim towards health and happiness.