Leon and Noel were born on 04.05.2003; Leon was born one minute earlier than Noel, so you can already guess which would be the most hyperactive, ha!
They are identical twins and both have diagnoses of ADHD and ASD but there could not be two more different people … and that, I’d say, is the magic of life!
Since they’ve always been together, they are used to each other, and although being so different hasn’t always been easy and they don’t always understand the other, they genuinely love and accept each other, how else could it be!
They also have things in common; they both have really kind natures, are incredibly interesting unique people and love the outdoors, but most importantly, they both believe in themselves and have succeeded in life… so one could say they’re both pretty happy!
DSM-5 Diagnostic Classification, describes ADHD as:
- that interferes with development
- symptoms have been present before the age of 12
- has symptoms presenting in two or more settings (home, school, work)
- and negatively impacts directly on social, academic or occupational functioning”
And, in addition to their ADHD symptoms, people with ADHD also often share some other characteristics such as these:
- They like being with others
- They get easily bored
- They can be quite a “chatter box”
- They can act and say things without thinking of the consequences which may lead to later regretting it
- They like physical activities, particularly males, so tend to play sports
- They can be quite lay back about everything going along with what others say
- They tend to leave things to the last minute to then rush them… deadlines can be a problem
- Their brains are incredibly creative and can have super talents
And this is ASD, as defined by the Diagnostic Classification DSM-5:
- “Persistent deficits in reciprocal social communication and social interaction, across multiple contexts
- as well as restricted, repetitive pattens of behaviour, interests or activities
- symptoms have been present in the early development period (although may not have become fully manifested until later on in life)
- symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning”
As with people with ADHD, those who are Autistic tend to share other similarities in addition to their ASD traits; some examples are these:
- They like their own company, don’t need others so much
- They can keep themselves entertained with their own interests
- They don’t like talking much UNLESS it’s about their interest
- They tend to dwell on things a lot before making any decision or taking action which may lead to never doing much
- They prefer quieter hobbies, those which they can do on their own, like build things up
- They can have their own way to do things and get others to do things their way as won’t compromise easily
- They tend to take their time when doing things as are quite perfectionists which can mean taking too long and not meeting deadlines
- They can have super brains for numbers, sciences and computers
His ADHD is more evident, particularly his hyperactivity and so, this was diagnosed first.
ADHD, being the most dominant, disguised his ASD for many years and it would have perhaps never been diagnosed if it hadn’t been for his twin, Neon, whose ASD dominates his presentation.
Leon has always been very good at sports and is a fantastic goalkeeper. Even though he is generally quite disorganised and chaotic (that’s his ADHD), when it comes to football, he’s got a very strict routine since he was a little boy (that’s his ASD).
He has to lay down his football kit on his bed in a certain way and has an order to wear everything; when he gets to his boots, he always wears the right one first and the shoelaces go in a very specific way.
Even though Leon is the most sociable of the two brothers and is always with friends (his ADHD), he prefers just to play football all the time. If having a conversation, he likes it to be about football, sports or gaming (restricted topics, ASD).
Leon found easier making friends just by playing football and, as he was very good at it, he became more popular than he was comfortable with. He always found it difficult to interact with others but has become much better at doing so with age (his ASD).
He lives in the city as he’s always busy and likes being able to do anything at any time (his ADHD). His flat is rather untidy (ADHD)but, somehow, he seems to know where things are within his mess, ha!
He recognises he can sometimes get overstimulated (his ASD) but he doesn’t always know when he needs to take a break. This can lead to Leon having some anger outbursts, as he’s not as good finding ways to release distress and self-regulate as Noel is.
He’s also very clever but not with numbers like Noel but in a creative way (more his ADHD). He works as a game designer and is very good at it as he can also “over-fixate” (his ASD) and master what he does. Most of the games he creates are sports related; he loves his job!
He had his ASD diagnosed first as this is quite more severe than his ADHD, although, as with Leon, both conditions are evident.
Noel always preferred the more “exact sciences” and is incredibly good with maths; he now works as computer programmer and he’s really good at his job.
He prefers it “quiet” rather than “noisy” so likes his own company (ASD) and he often loses track of time as can spend hours, even days, fixated on researching more on some “marine organism” that he’s learning about at the time; he is like a walking encyclopaedia on all types of marine life! (that’s his ASD)
He doesn’t like talking much but, when it is about something he’s interested on, like marine life or computers, he can then talk for hours and doesn’t realise the other person lost interest after the first 5 minutes, ha! (this is his ASD)
He needs to know when things are happening well in advance, who is going, the exact time, and every other detail (this is his ASD). He also has a way to do everything and he‘ll say that’s the right way; he needs to feel in control always and can get quite stubborn about things (also his ASD).
Yet, his bedroom is generally quite untidy (he says he knows where everything is although no one could find anything, ha!) and his work desk full of all sorts including 4 or 5 empty cans and another few sandwich wrappers (this is his ADHD).
When sitting down to eat, he always gets up several times (this is his ADHD) to get some water or go to the bathroom or change to another more comfortable chair; if watching TV, he’ll never finish a film as he gets easily distracted and bored (also his ADHD).
He can get quite impulsive with buying things on line (this is his ADHD) and has, at times, got in a bit of debt; for example when buying an expensive collection of books on Marine life, or paid his registration to attend a conference on Marine Biology at the “Ocean university” in China (trip that he never made as too anxious to fly abroad).
He lives in the countryside and spending time outdoors helps him self-regulate, particularly if he’s had to go into the office and interact with people as he spends the day “masking” and his anxiety builds up.
- Notwithstanding the huge challenges some neurodivergent people have due to the severity of their ADHD/ASD symptoms, if we were all more inclusive, Neurodiversity would not be considered a disorder but, simply, a different way of presenting, of BEING.
- What hinders success in neurodivergent people is NOT so much their neurodiversity but their lack of SELF-BELIEVE which buries their TALENTS.
- Society, and EVERYONE in it, have a responsibility to EVOLVE and ADAPT to include every form of BEING.
- For starters, major and urgent TRANSFORMATION in EDUCATION is required where children should learn about TRUE EQUALITY and are genuinely supported to LEARN in their own way, and so, achieve their true POTENTIAL.
- This TRANSFORMATION takes place WITHIN each of us; it's a change in how we understand people, the world, LIFE!
A change in attitude towards a more HUMANE one, that one that is more LOVING, CARING, ACCEPTING, INCLUSIVE, TOLERANT, HUMBLE… leaving behind old believes, assumptions and judgment.