Hundreds of years ago, there was this King, “King of All Kingdoms”, travelling on his Chariot, very excited and happy, to visit his first newborn nephew and present him with all sorts of jewels and precious gifts.
On his way, he stopped when seeing on the side of the road, a poor very young man with long hair and ripped clothes leaning on a tree half asleep.
The King shook this man’s shoulder to wake him up but didn’t quite succeed. The King feeling happy and generous placed a big bright shiny diamond inside the pocket of his ripped jacket and then continued his journey.
Many years later, the same king was on the same road, again to visit his nephew who was now getting married.
Exactly on the same spot as before, there was the same poor man, this time looking much older and with much longer hair but still wearing the same ripped clothes. The king again came off his Chariot and approached the poor man who this time was awake.
The king asked: "Forgive my intrusion but what are you doing here, leaning on this tree, with these ripped clothes?"
The poor man replied: "I am poor and have always been. I was a slave 30 years ago and was let free but had nowhere to go so I have been here ever since, eating what passing travellers generously give me."
The King then said: "But I passed by 30 years ago and placed a precious diamond of immeasurable value in the inside pocket of your jacket."
The poor man checked his pocket and astonished found a bright shiny precious invaluable diamond which had carried inside him all along.
He then said: "I was half awake when you put it in my pocket, but I did not believe it could be true so thought it had all been a dream never even bothering to check."
The man then wondered how his life would have turned out to be like if he had only believed he was worthy of more, if he had been braved enough to try something different; but he had been too frightened to lose his spot by the tree, where he had shelter with the big branches and leaves as well as staying by the side of the road where travellers could stop and give him some food.
If he hadn't had always justified his fear to change with all those "excuses" but, instead, had just "Trusted"... trusted his potential, trusted the Universe's wisdom and magic... he would have then realised he had this infinitely bright lighting jewel inside him.
I BELIEVE we all have a diamond of immeasurable value within us but most of us don’t think that is possible and never even wonder, therefore living in poverty (in the widest sense).
I also BELIEVE that most of us live our lives as slaves… slaves trapped in our own chains, chains of fear, self-doubt, insecurity, anger, resentment… too scared to let go, TRUST and experience freedom.
Perhaps we don’t need to wait 30 years to realise we already have all we need to be happy and live in abundance, and all we need is to BELIEVE it, not fear and TRUST.
Perhaps we need to BELIEVE in ourselves and in everyone else, all to be equally gifted.
If we BELIEVE this, we will then all accept each other as we are, and feel love, respect and compassion for ourselves and everyone else, understanding that we all are perfect just the way we are.
To do so, we need to start letting go of assumptions and treat everyone exactly the way we would like ourselves to be treated, accepting differences as different forms of perfection.
I agree it’s not easy. I have to remind myself every day!
But I keep trying and every day I do a little bit better.
Some days, I don’t do that well, but I try not to be too hard on myself as I know tomorrow, I’ll try my very best again.
We all make this world, and we all want a better one. We therefore all have the responsibility to start making changes in the way we think, we communicate, we feel, and we act; changes to Believing.
I BELIEVE it all starts here, with all of us setting the INTENTION to BELIEVE we are ALL GIFTED and PERFECT as we are, and so, we contribute towards a better, happier world.
Thank you for believing.